Friday 9 December 2011

"Santa Claus is an Ido, a dangerous storyl and Christians shouldnt acknowledge him"

today at the gym I was chatting with a local Christian guy who doesn't like the Christmas season and had a lot of angry things to say about Santa.  He was saying that Santa is a dangerous story that that's emphasis off of Jesus.

So we spoke for quite a while about Christmas in general but mainly about Santa.  Santa Claus is actually the Anglicized form of the Dutch name Sinter Klass which is a reference to Saint Nicholas.  Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop who gave gifts to children in need.  Also Saint Nicholas was at the council of Nicea in 325 AD.

the council of Nicea constructed the Nicene creed which supported the doctrine of the Trinity.  So personally my favourite thing about talking about Santa Claus is that he leads into a discussion about the Trinity.  I will expand about the Trinity in a future blog as I do have many conversations about this doctrine. 

As we get closer to Christmas  we can look to Saint Nicholas as a strong Christian leader and one who gave gifts to children and the poor.  We should follow his example.

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