Sunday, 6 November 2011

Paul at the end of his life (2Timothy)

I just thought I would check in with a quick blog.  I was reading 2Timothy today and listening to the corrosponding lecture from my class at Regent College New Testament Foundations.  The setting is that Paul is in Jail at the end of his life.  He is in a terrible place, the roman prison.  He knows that anyday now the guards will come and take him away to be exectued.  It is in this place that Im sure Paul would ask himself the most important questions of all.  Will Paul one day be resurrected just like Jesus?  Did he make the right choice to follow Jesus?  Is all of this that he has come to believe true?  The answer is yes.  I find the book of 2 Timothy amazing against this backdrop.

The instructor at Regent (Rikk Watts) said "2000 years later people are naming their dogs Nero, and their daughters Pauline, and their sons Paul.  The only kingdom on which the sin never sets, with Rome in ruins is the Christian Church"

So did Paul make the right decision?  Yes.  Paul met Jesus, and he helpped change the world.  As I share the gospel with people I often think of Paul.  I can picture my Christian family tree all the way back to him maybe.  He shared the gospel with people who shared it with others and onto other and others down through the centuries and then with me.  When I share the good news I try to keep in mind how real it was to Paul.  How important it was to Paul.  I wonder if he could have pictured just how far God would take what Paul did in faith.

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