Saturday, 17 September 2011

Particles come into existence out of nothing in the universe, so that explains why we dont need God to have created the universe.

Today on the bus I overheard a guy talking about the beginning of the universe.  I asked if I could join in because it is easily one of my favoirte topics to chat about.  He is an atheist and he was talking about the quantum vaccum.  In the quantum vaccum particles can come into esistence and then dissapear, so from that many atheists believe that is how the universe came into existence at the big bang. 

But, many people have not really looked into what the quantum vaccum really is.  Is it "nothing?" is it really non being?  No, it is a rich sea of energy, and when these particles come into being it is just the universe changing its form of energy.  This is not what the big bang explains.  Before the big bang there was nothing...No energy, no matter nothing.  In the quantum vaccum, you still have the universe.  Before the big bang there was no universe.

Logic and science show us that from nothing, nothing comes. To believe that the universe sprang into existence from non being is to go against science and logic.  There must be a cause to the universe, a cause that is beyond time, beyond matter, beyond energy, beyond space and that leads to what we know as God as the cause of the universe.

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