Saturday, 19 March 2011

"Can we be good without God?" "I dont need the Bible to tell me whats moral or not"

I think this is one area of arguement that anyone can have an opinion on.  I hear it a lot recently.  Christians will bring up the idea that morals are grounded in the nature of God and that He has written them on our hearts. Atheists often confuse this arguement with that they cannot be moral people.  In fact as Christians we believe you dont need the bible to know whats moral but that God himself has written the moral code on all of humankind's hearts.

The arguemnet lies in what is the basis for morals and do absolute morals exists?

I was recently in a conversation with friends, where they were talking about the horrors commited in the name of God and religion.  The crusades, religious intollerance etc.  I think that most people will affirm that absolute morals do indeed exist.  While I was in school we were always taught that "everything is relative" but I rarely see that being believed and put into peoples lives.  As my friends and I were discussing this topic, we did agree on the idea that somethings are really right, and somethings really wrong. 

As they said that God does not exists because of all the evil that religion causes, I said that it is true that a lot of evil is done in the name of religion, but in the case of Christianity it is the people acting outside of the Christian worldview who are commiting these evil acts.  Jesus never acted in these ways or condones this behavior.  Also this behavior is actually anti biblical.  It goes against what the Bible teaches.  Remember how when they came to arrest Jesus, and Peter pulled his sword and cut off the guards ear.  Jesus told Peter to put his sword away and healed the guards ear. 

Next I asked why they believed theseacts to be evil.  I then heard arguements such as "its wrong to hurt others, its wrong to take away someones freedom, its wrong to kill, its wrog to torture, its wrong to take away peoples possesions" etc etc.

I asked where these absolute moral standards came from.  If we are products of naturalism, where in naturalism can morals come from?  When a lion kills another animal, its kills doesnt murder it.  Or when a pack of hyeanas take a fresh kill away from a leopard, they take it they dont steal it.  Because animals are not moral creatures.

If our origins are only naturalistic how could we have come up with this morality.  Philosopher Michael Ruse says “morality is a biological adaptation no less than our hands or feet or teeth.  Considered as a rationally justifiable set of claims about an objective something, ethics is illusory.  I appreciate when someone says love thy neighbor as thyself they think they are referring above and beyond themselves never the less such reference is truly without foundation. Morality is just an aid to survival and reproduction and any deeper meaning is issusory”

 But if you do observe abolute morals, that some things are truly right and some things truly wrong, then you must agree that God exists.  Because without God as the source of the moral code, who can say what is right or wrong.  Who can say that behaviors we observe in the animal kindom are truly wrong only when they happen to us humans?  Without God as the objective standard for the moral code then we are just floating around in relativism and we have no right to say what is right or wrong, good or evil.

But we do observe moral absolutes, to not would make life unlivable.  Therefore God exists. 

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